Alacranismo en León, Gto., Perspectivas por Áreas Geostadísticas Básicas Urbanas
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Guanajuato. Epidemiología

How to Cite

Castillo Pérez, J., Velasco Díaz, E., Ramírez Barba, E. J., Vargas Salado, E., & Chávez Haro, A. (2002). Alacranismo en León, Gto., Perspectivas por Áreas Geostadísticas Básicas Urbanas. Acta Universitaria, 12(2), 34–39.


Scorpionism in León, Guanajuato are a public health problem, with a scorpion sting incidence rate of 109/10,000 inhabitants. The basic epidemiological aspects about the distribution of the problem in the city are unknown, which would allow a reduction in the incidence. A retrolective survey of the people stung from January to December 1996 was performed. Variables of stung patients were analyzed, and the distribution per basic urban geostatistics area (BUGA) was located. 9,485 patients that met the inclusion criteria were studied. Epidemiological maps both by incidence rate and absolute frequencies were performed, and a heterogeneous distribution was found. 5 BUGAs had a higher than 200/10,000 inhabitants incidence, and a frequency of stung people in the range of 200 to 500 (high risk). Distribution and location of the greater incidence areas of accidents by scorpion sting in León City have been established, in which it is necessary to establish primary attention measures to avoid the sting.
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