Acidos fenólicos en paja de trigo. ¿Son estos los compuestos fenólicos más importantes en la inhibicion del crecimiento de las plantas?
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paja de trigo
ácidos fenólicos. wheat straw
phenolic acids.

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Díaz Serrano, F. R., Ramírez Santoyo, L. F., Soto Hernández, M. R., Sánchez García, P., Sandoval Villa, M., Alcántar González, G., & Quintero Lizaola, R. (2010). Acidos fenólicos en paja de trigo. ¿Son estos los compuestos fenólicos más importantes en la inhibicion del crecimiento de las plantas?. Acta Universitaria, 20(4), 56–62.


They were identified the main phenolic acids in wheat straw by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), according with those reported by scientific literature as the main allelopathic compounds from wheat straw. The concentrations of these phenolic acids quantified on methanolic extracts by HPLC were very low (among 0.17 and 3.06 %) in relationship to the concentration of total soluble phenolics quantified by colorimetry. In the same way, the recuperation percentages of phenolic acids by HPLC in relationship to the total concentration of soluble phenolics quantified by colorimetry in the methanolic extracts varied among 1.28 and 15.18 %. The results shown that it is possible that the identified and quantified phenolic acids by HPLC on wheat straw, could not be the most important phenolic compounds that act as allelopathic agents in some agricultural systems according to their concentrations.
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