Cooperation throughout concerted innovation projects. Case studies in the Regional Innovation System (ISR) of Coahuila
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proyectos concertados
sistema regional de innovación. Innovation
concerted projects
regional innovation system.

How to Cite

Armenteros Acosta, M. del C., Reyna García, G. M., Rodríguez Luna, S. E., & González Espinosa, Y. (2015). Cooperation throughout concerted innovation projects. Case studies in the Regional Innovation System (ISR) of Coahuila. Acta Universitaria, 24, 26–36.


Innovation is a strategic activity for competitiveness and regional development, which has increased the importance of collaboration and cooperation between the different social agents, for technical, scientific and cost-financing complementarity; especially for SMEs. This paper analyzes projects with external financial support of the innovative SMEs in the state of Coahuila developed in the 2010-2012 period. An empirical inquiry to the innovative SME group is done through interviews with managers, using indicators on innovation and collaboration in previous research. This research describes the characteristics and obstacles of cooperation in the innovation field. The intensity level of innovation of the SMEs is medium-low, and although there is a low collaboration level between the social factors of the region, concerted projects have had a positive effect on increasing cooperation.
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