Local levels of inflammatory markers in gingival crevicular fluid in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics with chronic periodontitis
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moderate chronic periodontitis
newly diagnosed. DMT2
periodontitis crónica moderada
recién diagnóstico.

How to Cite

Almaguer García, S. E., Fajardo Araujo, M. E., Rocha Navarro, M. L., Fafutis Morris, M., Díaz Aguirre, J. P., & García Gallardo, S. L. (2015). Local levels of inflammatory markers in gingival crevicular fluid in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics with chronic periodontitis. Acta Universitaria, 25, 3–8. https://doi.org/10.15174/au.2015.743


Immune system of diabetic subject is altered due to diabetes mellitus affecting periodontal tissue. This work evaluates inflammatory markers IL-2, IL-6 and IL-8 in gingival crevicular fluid of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Participants were grouped into four groups: 1) healthy (n = 20); 2) with periodontitis (PCM, n = 20); 3) ≤1 year with diabetes and periodontitis ((DMT2 ≥ 10+PCM, n = 20); and 4)  ≥ 10 years diabetic and periodontitis (DMT2 ≥ 10 + PCM, n =  20). Cytokines were quantified by flow cytometry. The (DMT2 ≥ 10+PCM group showed higher levels of IL-2 respect to the other groups, as elevated levels of IL-6 respect to the PCM. The levels of IL-8 were higher in the healthy group compared to other groups. (DMT2 ≥ 10 + PCM subjects showed a destructive periodontal tissue adaptive immune response compared to (DMT2 ≥ 1 + PCM which show an immunological disturbance.

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