State of the art about the criticism of organic agriculture
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Organic production
organic marketing
global food supply
food scarcity
agro food system. Producción orgánica
comercialización orgánica
alimentación global
escasez alimentaria
sistema agroalimentario.

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Zamilpa, J., Schwentesius Rindermann, R., & Ayala Ortiz, D. A. (2016). State of the art about the criticism of organic agriculture. Acta Universitaria, 26(2), 20–29.


This article discusses the main criticisms of organic agriculture. Methodology is a qualitative descriptive narrative review, with elements of simplification and dramatization to highlight key points. Aim of this study was to analyze what has submitted to relevant literature on the discussion of the main criticisms to organic farming and what answers were given to these criticisms. To this end, 46 articles were analyzed, in magazines and collections of digital databases. The qualitative approach allows identification of the main arguments and we decided to group them into two categories: (i) criticism of organic production and (ii) criticism of organic marketing. Finally, the article considers that organic agriculture can play an important role for the global food supply. However, we pointed the risk that in the future organic agriculture might lose its fundamental principles of serving mankind and the environment.
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