Solar cell characteristics study for solar energy efficient use
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celdas solares
óptica. Photovoltaics
solar cells

How to Cite

Huerta-Mascotte, E., Mata-Chavez, R. I., Estudillo-Ayala, J. M., Sierra-Hernández, J. M., Guryev, I., & Lizarraga-Morales, R. A. (2016). Solar cell characteristics study for solar energy efficient use. Acta Universitaria, 26, 30–34.


Solar cells are interesting devices due to the generation of electricity via solar energy. However, this technology is limited and requires further investigation on materials optical characteristics for their efficient use. In this work a photovoltaic cell is studied as an ideal diode in parallel with a current generator, ISC. The short circuit current is in function of the electron-hole pair generated by the absorption of solar light. The study starts from theory where the importance of two optical parameters as irradiance and spectral characteristics of light, where the optical properties of solar cells materials are important. Basic equations are used to determine the electrical output of such cells and measurements to check its behavior and determine its efficient use of solar energy.
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