Vol. 22 (2012): (NE-1) ENC 2012
Artículos de Investigación

Towards a Calendar Agent Society with Intelligent Agents in ASP-Updates

Publicado 2012-03-01

Palabras clave

  • Calendar,
  • answer-sets programming,
  • updates,
  • logic programming,
  • multi-agents system.
  • Calendar,
  • answer-sets programming,
  • updates,
  • logic programming,
  • multi-agents system.

Cómo citar

Acosta G., J. C., Marcial Romero, J. R., Ramos C., M. A., & Hernández Servín, J. A. (2012). Towards a Calendar Agent Society with Intelligent Agents in ASP-Updates. Acta Universitaria, 22, 48–54. https://doi.org/10.15174/au.2012.341


We present the analysis and some preliminary specifications to describe a multi-agent society to represent dynamic appointments under in Answer-Sets Programming, by means of knowledge-base updates. This is a case study to represent a group of intelligent BDI agents with a common goal of scheduling a meeting, and we use an example to show how to distribute and change their specifications under unforeseen circumstances, as well as a simple protocol to realise a consensual meeting. We claim that the proposed framework is appropriate to have the benefits from a strong foundation like Answer-Sets Programming, simplicity for its declarative logic programming, as well as practicality for existent implemented solvers, which can be used to implement a more-complete and useful system of agent societies.