Contemos Historias de Nuestros Antepasados: Estudio sobre Leyendas de Guanajuato
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Identidad y tradiciones. Culture
Identity and values.

How to Cite

Medrano de Luna, G., & Sepúlveda Hernández, R. A. (2007). Contemos Historias de Nuestros Antepasados: Estudio sobre Leyendas de Guanajuato. Acta Universitaria, 17(2), 5–11.


Mexico is a country rich in history, tradition and culture. We can cite its popular art, dance, traditional medicine, popular music and literary folklore among other cultural aspects which form part of the Mexican cultural mosaic. Guanajuato, much like other states in Mexico, also boasts great wealth in history, culture and tradition. Evidence of which are the legends that play an important role in the social and cultural setting of the State. To save and preserve these this tradition is a necessary task in order to conserve the tangible and non-tangible patrimony of Guanajuato. This paper is a part of a research project that intends to achieve a complete study that shows, analyzes, and interprets the factors that legends offer to the cultural confi guration, using a corpora of legends that tell the stories of identity, culture, history, desires, and beliefs of people from Guanajuato.
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