Noise pollution in Matamoros downtown
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Zamorano González, B., Peña Cárdenas, F., Parra Sierra, V., Velázquez Narváez, Y., & Vargas Martínez, J. I. (2015). Noise pollution in Matamoros downtown. Acta Universitaria, 25(5), 20–27.


Noise pollution is one of the environmental problems that affect the quality of life of population at urban areas worldwide. Cause could derive from various sources such as: industry, business, shopping centers, transport, recreational facilities, even schools; but all of it have in common the human intervention. This study aims to determine the level of daytime noise to which the population is exposed at the Matamoros city Downtown and its association with the discomfort degree perceived. The opinion that people have in relation to environmental noise pollution, was obtained by applying 236 surveys, finding that 47.5% of participants consider noise pollution as a fairly problem. Measurements were made in 67 areas, with five different periods within hourly intervals, on a schedule of 8 h to 18 h. Fieldworks with the minimum sound pressure level (Lmin), maximum sound pressure level (Lmax) & equivalent-continuous sound pressure level (LAeqt) indicators were calculated by determining that the average noise exceeds 68 decibels A-Weighting (dBA). Commerce, particularly the informal one and the means of transportation are the major generators of noise.
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