Resources and appropriation theory: An empirical approach using the successive kinds of digital access model in the Mexican case
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Digital divide
ICT appropriation
access and improvement
digital skills
causal modeling
Mexico. Brecha digital
apropiación de TIC
acceso y aprovechamiento
habilidades digitales
modelación causal

How to Cite

Toudert, D. (2016). Resources and appropriation theory: An empirical approach using the successive kinds of digital access model in the Mexican case. Acta Universitaria, 26(4), 79–90.


This essay examines validity and empirical relevance of successive kinds of access to technology model (SAT) as important segment of resources and appropriation theory (RAT). SAT model proposed by Van Dijk has been developed into a theoretical evolutionary frame, which seeks to explain the social unequal access to information and communications technologies (ICT). Methodological approach used in the study consists of a comparative approach supported by previous knowledge that helped determine statistical validity of  assumptions that form basis of SAT model. Analyzed information comes from an extensive and representative source of microdata that was examined through modeling using structural equations. In this initial approximation, research confirms that SAT Model is characterized by a relative efficiency defined by significant causal relationships albeit low predictive power.
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