Three-Dimensional Volumetric Coordinate System Through the use of Light-Emitting-Diodes (LEDs) and Microcontrollers
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Sistema de coordenadas
modelado 3D
cubo de LED
graficado de funciones 3D. Coordinate system
3D modeling
LED cube
3D function plotting.

How to Cite

Sosa López, A. A., Flores Balderas, A., Trejo Durán, M., & Alvarado Méndez, E. (2016). Three-Dimensional Volumetric Coordinate System Through the use of Light-Emitting-Diodes (LEDs) and Microcontrollers. Acta Universitaria, 26, 35–38.


The visualization of multiple variable functions, vector fields and vector functions, usually requires three dimensions in order to be able to analyze chemical, physical and mathematic phenomena. This is why it is very important to count with a three dimensional coordinate system, in order to properly display the functions being analyzed. This report presents the construction of a volumetric coordinate system consisting of 1000 voxels for the visualization of three-dimensional functions. The control is done by two ATMEGA2560 microcontrollers which communicate through a simple I2C connection.
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